Raptor Resource Project Field Guide

The Raptor Resource Project is dedicated to preserving and strengthening raptor populations, expanding participation in raptor conservation, and educating people around the world about raptors and their habitats. The Raptor Resource Project’s Field Guide welcomes you into the world of birds around our nests.

Click ‘Birds Around Our Nest‘ to sort birds by nest or location, ‘Birds by ABA Category‘ to sort birds by the American Birding Association’s categories, or ‘Birds by Color‘ to sort birds by color. We’re still building our field guide, so we apologize when (not if) you don’t find the bird you’re looking for. We’ll keep working on it, but feel free to drop us a line if something you want to see is missing: amy@raptorresource.org. If you have a screenshot, please include it!

Thanks to Ken Ries for donating his website to our field guide!